Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bishop Hartley Blog or Wiki for Final Project?

Please share with the group whether you plan to continue working on your blog or wiki. Explain what you hope to accomplish and plans for the future with your blog or wiki.


Anonymous said...

I think I'll try to do a bit of both. On the wiki, I want to upload beginning-of-the-year documents like my syllabi, rules, and expectations. On the blog, I want to embed some more gadgets and also begin to use RSS and iGoogle more effectively.
-Becky Searls

Mrs. Boyle's Class said...

I have been working on my wiki and blog. I hope to connect them (the blog and wiki)and add a wiki page for a summer reading project for a group of 5th graders. Theresa

Señora Koenig said...

For my final project I will be creating an educational blog for my level 1 and 3 Spanish classes. My hope is that this blog (work in progress) is aesthetically pleasing as well as serves as a helpful resource for my parents and students. I plan to use this blog throughout the upcoming school year by communicating with parents and students about assignments and assessments and also by providing my students with resources to work on language outside of the classroom environment.

Jeff Stevenson said...

I'm doing a Wiki and a blog, with the blog serving one of the links on the Wiki.
The Wiki will serve as a defacto web page for the library until I can create a real web page (probably using Adobe Dreamweaver).