Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Web 2.0

Now that you’ve had a chance to learn more about “Web 2.0,” summarize your understanding of the concept. What implications might this concept have for education? What advantages and/or disadvantages do you envision?


Señora K. said...

I interpret web2.0 to mean the "new" generation of Internet applications. In the past, Internet users could be pretty passive, with many less opportunities for the "average joe/joan" to publish. Currently, web2.0 is much more interactive. Web2.0 makes publishing and interacting much more available and user-friendly. Some web2.0 applications (right word?) are blogs, wikis, social bookmark sites, photo and presentation sharing sites, and readers.

As a result of learning about and practicing with web2.0 applications, my students and I could connect with people all over the world, which is especially advantageous in learning another language and its cultures. Also, my students will get a good deal of practice connecting on an academic and personal level before going of to university.

My main concerns as an educator are finding the time to maintain what I have created and keeping up with the always-changing technologies.

Mr. Bowdle said...

I believe that Web 2.0 can be a useful and time saving tool that will help educators be more prepared with all of the useful information available at the click of a button.
However, I do see some implications with using things such as Wikis and Blogs with younger students. Luckily our tech teacher has taught about internet safety (i.e. not using full names or giving out personal information.)

The advantages are numerous and endless. I know many of the parent's of my students will enjoy knowing exactly what is happening in our class and able to reinforce the skills taught in the classroom at home.

Anonymous said...

Web 2.0 are tools connected to the web that allow users to find, compile, organize and use information. These tool allow collaboration between some or many users to share ideas and accomplish goals.

There is a huge implication for education and educators better know it. We need to use these tools to reach students "where they live". Twentieth century teaching methods are boring, outdated, and a real drag to students. Utilizing Web 2.0 tools allow teachers to teach the same information but in innovative ways that interest kids.

Anonymous said...

Web 2.0 provides students with an opportunity to interact with the web rather than be passive users of the web. It has major implications for the way in which we must educate students for the future. Students must know how to research and they also must know how to create new knowledge with their research. How they deliver that new knowledge will more than likely be through blogs, wikis, mashups - all Web 2.0 tools. The advantages I see have to do with the opportunity to be creative in coming up with ways to present their research. The disadvantages have to do with the difficulty in monitoring what goes out on the web from schools. Since so many teachers aren't up to speed on Web 2.0 tools, frank and open discussions about how to be responsible on the web just don't happen.

MER said...

I am an avid reader of newspapers and selected magazines. I clip articles to save for further reference. In recent years I have tried to rid my home of the clutter. Before this class, I would ask myself "Can I find it on the web?" Most of the time the answer is YES so I toss the paper. I am excited to have the google reader. I know I will use it.

I am still adjusting to the use of the computer. The more I am exposed to the Web 2.0, the more I understand its uses.

Anonymous said...

At a recent meeting, educators were charged with characterizing how education had changed in the last 100 years. One group sadly said, "Education is now all about 'ME'." Web 2.0 truly points everything back to the individual, but complicates things beautifully by allowing everyONE easy access to every community and every community access to everyONE.