Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wiki or Blog?

Do you plan on making a Wiki or Blog? How do you plan to use your chosen tool? What kind of collaboration do you think you will incorporate?


simonra said...

I love wikis and blogs som much I will do both!

Mr. Bowdle said...

Right now I think I am going to work on a blog for parents to get information at the beginning of the year. It seems that many of our parents do not get the information or keep it. This would provide a useful tool to be able to retrieve this information at any time -- day or night.

Anonymous said...

I am going to do a wiki. It's a hard decision because I want to do it all!

Michelle said...

I plan to create a personal blog so that my family will know what all is going on with my kids. We are so busy these days that we don't get to see them as much as we used to, so this will help them keep up with what activities are going on with us.

Jan said...

I am doing a wiki for a cooperative learning project to be used in my FACSII classes using many activities to create a culminating project.

Señora K. said...

I choose to create a blog for my Spanish IV class. I'm including a calendar of events, links to websites & blogs we'll use in class, and some fun stuff like idiom of the day and podcasts of Spanish lessons. I would like to have each student create her/his own blog, to which my blog will link. In addition to old-fashioned paper and pencil reading, writing, listening, and speaking labs, I hope to have kids post some to their own blogs. Mayble I'll be able to do some grading at home without lugging a bunch of notebooks and papers! The possibilities are endless!

janicek said...

I don't know! Geeze. I think I have to do more research to decide whether my students will be able to interact in a more academic manner with a wiki or blog - or better yet how I'll be able to get them to interact academically. Perhaps I'll know better later tonight.

MER said...

I plan to use the blog format. I will be collaborating with the members of the Quiz Bowl team at Valley High School. This format will alleviate the plethora of papers that I gave to the team last year. I know that often the students do not read the papers. When I use the blog format, the students can read the information when the time is convenient for them. Nothing gets lost or misplaced!! Also, this format provides an organized way for the members to review any of the information.

janicek said...

My desision mite be eesyer Sence theres kno spell chek on the goooogle blogger comment sheet. Its a shame four kidz (and adults) with dyslexia.

Alytechconsult said...

I would have to say a wiki, although I do like blogs. I feel that my wiki allows me to do more, add links, attachments, etc...